Robert Kiyosaki, author of the international bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad, has warned about an impending stock market collapse of historic proportions. He continues to advocate for investments in gold, silver, and Bitcoin as safeguards against this looming financial crisis.
On Sunday, Kiyosaki took to social media to remind his followers of his prediction in his 2014 book, Rich Dad’s Prophecy. He wrote, “I predicted the biggest stock market crash as still coming. Unfortunately, that crash has arrived… possibly wiping out the futures of millions of baby boomers World wide.”
His concerns center around the baby boomer generation, the first to rely heavily on defined contribution (DC) retirement plans. Unlike the World War II generation, which benefited from defined benefit (DB) pension plans, baby boomers with DC plans are more vulnerable to severe losses during market downturns.
Kiyosaki bluntly criticized Wall Street, calling the financial system a “corrupt and criminal monetary Ponzi Scheme.” He urged individuals to secure their financial future by investing in tangible assets like gold, silver, and Bitcoin.
For years, Kiyosaki has consistently warned about the possibility of a stock market crash and promoted physical ownership of assets over exchange-traded funds (ETFs). He argues that ETFs offer no real advantage over dollars or bonds in protecting against market volatility.